Cave, also known as Sete Bafos or The Basement, is a renowned surf spot near Baia dos Dois Irmaos, Ericeira. It's famous for its powerful right-breaking wave and challenging conditions. Cave is situated on a shallow reef platform, detached from the seabed, creating intense suction from base to top. This unique phenomenon results in a wide, square, and progressively hollow wave, aptly named The Basement. With its fast, hollow, and shallow wave, Cave is exclusively for expert surfers. The best wind direction is from the east, and the optimal swell direction is from the northwest. Localism is significant, making respect for the local surf community essential.
Surfspots Rating : 5 Star
Consistency - 80
Seabed - Sand
Level - Advanced
Wave Direction - Right
Swell Direction - Northwest (NW)
Wind Direction - East (E)
Best Tide - Medium
Best Season - JanuaryFebruaryMarchOctoberNovemberDecember
Locals - Welcoming
Crowd - Small Crowd
Ideal Board - Short
Wave Height - 8 m
Water Quality - Bad
Kite Surfing - No
Wind Surfing - No
Wave Power : Strong
Parking - Yes
WC - No
Shower - No
Restaurant - No
Boat Needed - No
4x4 Needed - No
Shallow reef
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